Friday, May 15, 2009

Ways to Save on Anti-Virus Software

Friendly Computers thinks that these tips about Anti-Virus software may be helpful to you:

Your computer is a big investment and your documents in it could be priceless, so it's wise to install software to protect it. Getting a virus out on your computer can be frustrating and expensive. If you've been the victim of a computer virus, it's something you'll never forget. "I'm a storywriter so I lose like all the stories that I've written from years ago and it''s really frustrating," said Jessica Rodriguez of Springfield. Aristeo Torres of Post Computer Systems in Wilbraham told 22News "We strongly recommend that you only get an anti-virus and anti-spy ware program and not the suites." The suites are the deluxe versions. If you stick with the basics, you'll save money. Experts recommend "Panda" or "Norton Anti-Virus". Both are around forty dollars each. You can also get free anti-virus downloads online. "AVG" and "AntiVIR" are the two most reputable according to Torres. But free downloads do not provide you with support if you have questions. The best way to save money on protecting your computer is to simply use common sense. For example, don't use sharing websites like "Limewire." They're not only illegal, but they can also expose your computer to viruses and spy ware. Remember to update your protection every year. It will cost you about forty dollars annually, but it will save you money by extending the life of your computer.
